Sweet Love Quotes For Mom And Dad

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Many parents like receiving a message of Love from their kids even more than all the precious presents cash can buy.

If you are making a plan to melt the heart of your beloved dad or mom and make him/her feel so valued and loved, You are in the right place. Just pick from the scores of beautifully woven Love Quotes below and get your dad or mom feel honoured to have brought you into this world.

Love Quotes For Mom

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If you were to ask me to tell you how much I love you, I would talk until the end of time and still not finish describing how much I love you simply because the Love I have for you is too grand to be described. 

Mom, I will move heaven and earth to light up your world and make you happy because the smile on your face puts a smile on mine.

You deserve the greatest award on earth for the happiness you bring into my life. I love you so much, sweet Mother.

You are the only woman who has the ability to fill my heart to the brim with true happiness and not expect anything in return. How did I get so lucky to have a wonderful mother like you in this lifetime?! I love you.

Mom, to love you with every single beat of my heart until the end of time is the least I can do considering all the amazing things you have done in my life.

The world sees you as just my sweet mother, but what they don’t know is that you are also my absolute best friend. No amount of treasure in this world can ever bring me the joy that having a beloved mother like you brings to me. Love you lots!

Mother dearest, you are truly a magnificent person in my life. You are more precious to me than the air that keeps me alive. Hence I can never love anyone more than I love you.

Love Quotes For Dad

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Dad, when I’m with you, I feel like the President of the world. That’s how powerful and good you make me feel. Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure more than all wealth on earth. I love you, Dad.

Because you are the best father in the world, I have also taken it upon myself to strive to be the best child in the world. Thank you so much for making my earthly journey a very beautiful one. I love you.

In my heart, the Love of a phenomenal father like you is as precious to me as God’s Love
In good times or bad times, Dad, you’ll always find me standing by your side because I love you and want to see your happiness more than anything else in this world.

God did me the greatest honor of my life by making me your son. Dearly beloved Dad, I love you more than any word or group of words in the English language or any other language on earth can express. 

Dad, for being the most loving and responsible father in the world, I just want you to know that you shall forever occupy the most prized space in my heart. I love you.

If I were to write down all the wonderful things you have done in my life, not even a thousand books would be capable of containing them. That is how extraordinarily good you have been to me all my life. I love you, Dad.

I hope you like this beautiful love quotes for mom and dad, for more such fresh ideas view our latest Collection.


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